Why the hell did you come back on the line? I asked for Guptaji… - Mom, Rehan will be back home in 10 days.- Give the phone to him quickly! These days even small kids go for summer camps. Don’t worry.

How many times in a day does he go to the toilet? Are his motions chronically loose? What? No, nobody has loose motion here. He is talking on the phone. Ask him to come out, quickly! How’s Dad? And when are you and Dad coming over? No, Mom. This year it will be really difficult for us to come… Kartik has to go to office even on the weekends.

 One second…Kartik! Kartik! Here! Mumma, the recipe that you gave me… my friends liked it a lot.  Yes, Mumma. You know how it is… Who’s got the time in Mumbai? Yes. Mumma, I will call you back in a while… Hello Madam! How are you? I am fine. Did Sir ask for something? No Madam! We have opened a new ladies garment shop just beside our grocery store. Here is the invitation for its inauguration. We have printed a calendar too.

 Why only male models on a ladies garment store calendar? The ladies seem to prefer it this way, Madam. Okay Madam. See you. Yes! Bye!  What is this? Suresh gave it… He has opened a new lady’s garment store. Only stupid male models… No…not today… I’m feeling a bit gassy. Kartik, it’s been so long… Don’t you feel anything anymore? Right now, I am only feeling gassy.

 You don’t find me attractive anymore? Could you please... just stop watching those corny English serials?  Please! Can you massage my feet? Its paining… Hey bro! Some stuff had fallen down from my balcony a few days back. Did anyone find it? Is this the one? Oh yeah. It is… Thank you! Who was that? Was he a guest? You didn’t make him sign? No Madam! He is the new tenant. He stays right above you… on the 8th floor.

Oh!! Where the hell are my trousers, Jahnvi? 7 years itch? Hmm? Double! I’ve been married for 14 years now. But he is of no use to you. I don’t plan on using him anyway… This is just a pass time. Eye exercise!  But he is the wrong candidate for that too. Why? He is sweet… Sweet? He is Gay. Shut up! How do you know? He works in my brother-in-law’s friend’s office.

He’s pretty open about it. So everyone knows about it. He is Gay. Really? You look very happy! No. Nothing. No, no! Please do tell. I’m always scared shitless, whenever you smile for no reason. It could either mean that your parents are about to visit… or you have some new interior decoration idea in your head. Relax. It’s nothing like that. Then? Actually, it’s very interesting. What? The new tenant on the 8th floor… Mrs. Sharma was saying… that he is Gay. What nonsense! Mrs. Sharma has nothing better to do than to gossip and spread rumours.

 No, he works in Mrs. Sharma’s brother-in-law’s office.  He is openly Gay. These building people have gone nuts. They’re just letting anybody in, without any background check. What is your problem? It’s his life. He can live it the way he wants to. You don’t have any idea about these people. They are anti-social. Against nature! Against society! Nothing like that! I have seen him. He looks quite decent… Stop it! And I don’t want you to mix with him.

No, 'Hi, Hello', nothing. Got it? Bloody disease they are. And they try to convert everybody around them. Keep Rehan out of his reach too. Or else, he may get home a boyfriend one of these days. I will take care of the building society people. I’ll screw that Secretary’s happiness over the weekend. Bloody fools! Wow! No, no! It’s not for you. You know Guptaji… This is his farewell gift.

He is retiring this month. Is Guptaji’s farewell over? What? Yeah, it’s over. So what did you gift him? What? The gift that day, popped out of your bag… What was in it? Picture frame! It was a picture frame. Good choice. Was it your choice? No. Everyone chose it… I just bought it. You went for shopping alone? Yes. Why? Did you get anything else? What would I get? Why are you asking stupid question in the middle of the night? Let me sleep. It’s getting late.

 Kartik… Give it fast. Hey! He’s not the disease. You are! And you go around buying underwear for others… Have you seen the state of your own underwear? One can tell what a disgusting human being you are by just looking at them! 

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